Friday, February 21

3 Ingredient Fried Onions and Egg Rice Recipe

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It’s one of those days when you’re short of veggies or fish and meats to cook yourself a meal.  Worse, the stores are closed and so is Swiggy.  You therefore choose to set sail on a different route.  Moreover, traditional lentil gravies, rice biryanis and elaborate curried fish/meats are overemphasized.  Pasta or pizzas anyone?  Hell no, these are also done to death in my view.

Deep-fried onions

As there was rice cooking anyway on the stove, and a few eggs sitting in the fridge, I merely fried some – eggs I mean.  Onions, which are permanent members of any kitchen, rarely do a disappearing act.  Well, I sliced and fried the onions too.

The combination of the three ingredients – rice, eggs and fried onions, reminded me of an Italian “riso combination I’d eaten with relish at a street-side cafe in Europe.

The dish was unadorned except for a few Italian sauces served on the table.  As for me, it’s possible to have a feast even with just sauces like MarinaraBolognese for Pesto for company.  Quite often I substitute traditional gravies with these Italian sauces.  It’s not only delicious but offers a reprieve from cooking time too.



The combination of the three ingredients - rice, eggs and fried onions - is a quick meal when in a hurry or when your kitchen is running short of ingredients. This is an unadorned dish but if you happen to have Italian sauces handy, it would give the meal a semblance of completeness.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Course Mains
Cuisine Fusion, Indian, Italian
Servings 2 persons


  • ½ cup rice
  • 3-4 medium sized onions (thinly sliced)
  • 1 egg (fried, sunny side up)
  • oIl (for deep frying)
  • salt to taste
  • Italian sauces (handy ones, of your choice)


  • Wash rice and boil it in 2 cups of water, with salt to taste.
  • Take a small frying pan with a teaspoon of oil, break an egg into it and fry it sunny side up.  Wait a couple of minutes before removing the fried egg.  Ensure that the underside is crisp before using a silicone spatula to remove the fried egg from the frying pan.
    (If you remove the fried egg soon, it runs the risk of breaking midway).
  • Next, slice the onions and use the same pan for frying them.  Use enough oil to dunk the onions to enable deep-frying.  Fry till a golden brown, and crisp.  Remove when done, and place the onions on an absorbent tissue.
  • Take a serving of rice onto a ceramic dish, arrange the deep-fried onions on one side of the rice heap and drape the fried egg on the other side.

Tada, there you have a complete meal!  If you like to add another dimension to it, try arranging garlic stir-fry French beans alongside the onion rice, or even a simple three-bean salad could add effect.  If not, just get those unemployed Italian sauces from your refrigerator and dress your onion fried rice with them.


Check out my other three-ingredient recipes: Bombay Halwa and Mango Mousse.

Check out more One, Two or Three-Ingredient Recipes here!


About Author

Carmelita is an Economics major and is employed with a private sector bank. She holds a diploma in journalism, but that's not the reason for her creative writing skills exhibited in a few freelancing feature writing assignments with a leading daily and also her blog. Her blog falls under the Top 25 of the Best Mumbai Blogs to Follow, by ranking. She has an eye for offbeat travel, having visited seven continents and seeing more than what meets the average eye. Though not a cook per se, her tips on smart cooking are a thing to reckon in her food and cocktail recipes. As if this is not enough, she dabbles now and then in studio singing assignments which have gained her a sizeable fan following. That she is an avid reader is but natural, with a bent for literary classics which in turn have lent its influence in her blog writing panache.


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