Friday, February 21

Easy Peasy Coffee Recipe!

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When friends and followers urged me to offer a no-frills homemade coffee recipe, with no elaborate use of a frother or a plunger.  So, I came up with this coffee recipe which I term as an easy peasy homemade coffee recipe.  It tastes as good as a whipped coffee, with natural foam to make the coffee drink seem like a Dalgona coffee at least as far as its creamy texture goes. 

Easy Peasy Coffee Recipe

No elaborate plunger or frother goes into this simple-to-churn coffee recipe. All you need to do is to shake the ingredients in a bottle to give it a whipped coffee feei, then pour in the milk. And with a few deft strokes of a tooth pick, voila - there you also get a decorative coffee!
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 2 mins
Total Time 12 mins
Course Beverages, Breakfast, High Tea
Cuisine American, English, Indian
Servings 2 persons


  • Shaker, glass bottle, or even a PET bottle will work
  • 2-3 coffee cups


Coffee Recipe Ingredients

  • 6 tsp sugar
  • 3 tsp instant coffee powder
  • 6 tsp water
  • ½ litre milk (boiled)


Coffee Recipe Method

  • Spoon in the sugar, coffee powder and water in the glass bottle, close it well and shake it thoroughly with your hands, for 10 minutes (as seen in the video)
  • Arrange 3-4 coffee cups on a table or kitchen top, spoon the "shaken" coffee lather into the cups leaving a bit of lather behind in the bottle for using as topping later.
  • Simultaneously boil the milk and pour the milk - preferably from a decent height of say half a foot - into the cups containing the "shaken" / frothy coffee lather. That's about all - there couldn't be an easier way to make good frothy coffee!
  • Decorate the coffee using the following tips:
    1. Make concentric circles over the coffee, with chocolate syrup if you have some handy. Use a toothpick to draw lines from the inner sides of the cup (left, right, top & bottom) to the centre. Use angular strokes between the four lines (left, right, top & bottom) making it a total of 8 short drawn lines.
    2. Drop little dots of chocolate syrup across the coffee lather topping. Use a toothpick to draw lines to join the dots and then give it a curvy twist at the tip, to form a leaf-like decor. There you have some attractive coffee to show off to family and friends!
    3. Pour milk into the coffee from the one side of the cup (close to the rim/edge), in order to let the milk flow in milky white concentric rivulets into the coffee content in the cup. This method, in my view, looks the prettiest of all coffee decor ideas.
  • If there is no chocolate syrup in stock, use the remaining coffee lather in the bottle to top up the coffee in the cup and go beserk with toothpicks on customising your own coffee.
  • You may use a flavouring of cinnamon or chocolate powder to give it a feel of a cappuccino recipe, without the milk foam.


When in a hurry, which is often the case, I resort to this homemade coffee recipe to churn out coffee that tastes as good as it looks.  To look as attractive as any Cappuccino served in a cafe or, for that matter, even a Dalgona coffee wouldn’t be too stiff a competition!

You may add sprinklings of chocolate to give the coffee a flavour of toffee, or add cinnamon powder if you like spicy coffee.   Variations of coffee drinks are numerous – Espresso, Latte, Cold Brew Coffee, Frappe, Iced Coffee, and similar.  Some have it hot, or cold; black or white.  Some have it whipped, beaten; shaken or stirred.  Whichever way you choose to enjoy this coffee drink, its exhilarating flavour will lift anyone from the inkiest of moods.

Try this easy homemade coffee recipe and pray tell me if there’s an easier one than this.


About Author

Carmelita is an Economics major and is employed with a private sector bank. She holds a diploma in journalism, but that's not the reason for her creative writing skills exhibited in a few freelancing feature writing assignments with a leading daily and also her blog. Her blog falls under the Top 25 of the Best Mumbai Blogs to Follow, by ranking. She has an eye for offbeat travel, having visited seven continents and seeing more than what meets the average eye. Though not a cook per se, her tips on smart cooking are a thing to reckon in her food and cocktail recipes. As if this is not enough, she dabbles now and then in studio singing assignments which have gained her a sizeable fan following. That she is an avid reader is but natural, with a bent for literary classics which in turn have lent its influence in her blog writing panache.

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