Sunday, March 30

Cream on Velvet – A Coffee Liqueur Recipe

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The Connection between Irish Cream and this Liqueur

I have a soft corner, nay the softest corner for Bailey’s Irish Cream.  Anyone who knows about Bailey’s would also know that it is a coffee liqueur.  And anyone who knows about liqueurs would know that they fall into the premium category.

What do you do when you want an Irish Cream on the lines of the Bailey’s Irish Cream coffee formula without having to burn a hole in your pocket?  Perhaps you aren’t concerned about the hole but cannot find a bottle at the local liquor mart.  Whatever be it, if you reply in the affirmative to either,  this coffee flavoured liqueur cocktail recipe is yours for the asking.

In this age of hustle and bustle, everyone looks for the easy way out and the least expensive one too.  So, I couldn’t help but envision what I thought was a perfect shortcut of a recipe for coffee liqueur.  It’s simple, quick and not too hard on the pocket.

If you don’t dig coffee, well, don’t look this way.   If you do, it will help to know that this is what I term as an “imitation Baileys Irish Coffee liqueur” or “shortcut Irish Cream liqueur”.  Term it a “coffee dessert”,  if you may, depending on how much ice-cream goes into this coffee flavoured liqueur.

Liqueur-coffee ice cream

Cream on Velvet – A Coffee Liqueur Recipe

The ice-cream does the trick, making this cocktail creamy and silky and gooey.
Coffee adds an aroma which combines famously with the Cappunico or Coffee-Walnut ice-cream flavours. What better a combination than coffee and cream to form a Cream on Velvet liquid sensation.
Total Time 30 mins
Course Beverages, Cocktails, Drinks
Cuisine Irish
Servings 1


  • Wine Glass
  • Coffee plunger


  • 30 ml vodka
  • 3 tsp filter coffee powder (to make"filter coffee", refer method below)
  • 2 cups water
  • 3 scoops Coffee-walnut OR Cappucino ice-cream (Natural's is just great)
  • 1 cherry (for garnishing)
  • 4-5 cubes ice (crushed)


How to Make "Filter Coffee" for Coffee Liqueur Recipe

  • Boil two tablespoons of filter coffee in two cups water for 15 minutes. Let cool till the coffee residue has settled to the bottom, filter and let sit in the refrigerator.
    (Alternatively, use a coffee plunger which gives better results).
    Liqueur with Filter Coffee

Method for Mixing the Coffee Liqueur Recipe

  • Grab a wine glass from your bar,  drop in some crushed ice swirling it to give the glass a frosted appearance.  Like your window on a rainy day.
  • Spoon in two scoops of ice-cream, then pour in the chilled liquid coffee, followed by a shot of vodka.
  • Stir thoroughly, till the ingredients are blended well into the other.
  • Add yet another scoop of ice-cream, then lace the the creamy layer with a few spoons of chilled liquid coffee.
  • Now DO NOT stir it vigorously as the coffee could give the cocktail bitter undertones. It's added to merely give the mouth a burst of coffeelicious aroma.
  •  Drop in a red cherry for garnish, if you may into this simulated Baileys Irish Coffee. 
    (Cherries are red, you may reiterate but in my defence, the word red was attributed to the cherry to help you vividly visualize the look of a dash of red in a cream coloured cocktail).


-If you ask me for a preference as far as coffee powder goes, it is for the  MR filter coffee brand which comes cheap and is readily available.
– The boiled coffee may be filtered and stored in the icer if you wish to prepare it days ahead. It may be brought out of the icer a half hour earlier to get it down to a liquid state prior to mixing the cocktail.
– The crushed ice is swirled in the glass to not merely frost the glass but to render it cooler so that the contents stay cool longer!
– Since it is an ice-cream based cocktail, it is served post a meal.  A sure hit at kitty parties.  Truly, my favourite Irish cream coffee cocktail!

How to Describe this Coffee Liqueur Cocktail
A velvety liquid, with a coffee aftertaste.  Smooth and silky.



About Author

Carmelita is an Economics major and is employed with a private sector bank. She holds a diploma in journalism, but that's not the reason for her creative writing skills exhibited in a few freelancing feature writing assignments with a leading daily and also her blog. Her blog falls under the Top 25 of the Best Mumbai Blogs to Follow, by ranking. She has an eye for offbeat travel, having visited seven continents and seeing more than what meets the average eye. Though not a cook per se, her tips on smart cooking are a thing to reckon in her food and cocktail recipes. As if this is not enough, she dabbles now and then in studio singing assignments which have gained her a sizeable fan following. That she is an avid reader is but natural, with a bent for literary classics which in turn have lent its influence in her blog writing panache.

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