If you thought that whiskey was for the gentlemen, think again. If you thought that whiskey can’t be sweet, think even more. Why not serve whiskey to the ladies and sweeted too but how? Well, all’s possible if you think out of the “box” – the apple juice “box“!
Whiskey and I were never synonymous, well not until I attempted a unique preparation of apple cider with whiskey that suit my palate. Not accustomed to plain spirits, I have a preference for mixed drinks. Mixed with a sweet mixture preferably. It wasn’t long before I came up with this hot apple cider cocktail recipe to make whiskey more palatable, as much to my lady friends as to the gentlemen.
Then there is the question of impressing one’s guests with something unique, something hot and something nice. Well, “Liquid Gold” – as its golden brown colour denotes, is a unique, hot apple cider drink recipe – one that is ideal in wintry weather or on a cool rain-soaked day. Hot cider cocktails won’t fail to impress, in terms of both hue and taste.

Liquid Gold - Hot Apple Cider Cocktail Recipe
- Highball Glass
- Stirrer
- 1 shot whiskey (Signature isn't too bad, but there's a range of premium whiskeys to use)
- 1 cup water
- 1 small tetrapack (or 200ml) apple juice (Appy is good enough brand)
- 4-5 sticks cinnamon (for the base, plus garnish)
Making the "Apple Cinnamon" Mix for Hot Apple Cider Cocktail
- Boil the cinnamon in water for 10 minutes till the flavour of cinnamon is well infused in the water.
- Add a small tetrapack of apple juice, boil for 5 minutes more until the aroma of apple and cinnamon fills the air.
- Let’s call this an “apple-cinnamon hot mix”
Method for Mixing the Hot Apple Cider Cocktail
- Pour the “apple-cinnamon hot mix” into a glass till three-fourths full.
- Add a shot of whiskey.
- Stir ever so lightly, with a glass stirrer if available or a thin long spoon will do.
- Throw in a cinnamon stick as garnish.
This apple cider cocktail is an invigorating drink at the end a long sapping week, like a nice cuppa tea with a spike.
Those who don’t usually dig whiskey will relish having it the apple cider with whiskey way. Try me. Unique and simple don’t go hand in hand, but this apple cider cocktail does.