Thursday, January 30

Cold Coffee with Cream Recipe to impress your guests



What do you dish out for a friends who want to stop by to say “Hello” for a few mintues?  They who you’d like to impress in that momentary time without making frequent trips to the kitchen to deep-fry snacks or such.

What better than “Cold Coffee with Cream” and what better a time to do so than in summertime!  While the method in my Colf Coffee with whipped cream recipe is somewhat elaborate, the heartening bit is that it can be kept ready a day before in refrigerated mode.  Even the glasses can be dressed and kept sitting cool overnight.

Cold Coffee with Cream Recipe

This is a surefire hit for coffee lovers, and why wouldn't it be. With whipped cream, coffee and sugar any recipe would taste delicious.
While this is an elaborate process, the heartening part is that it can be prepared and stored overnight. Just the mixing of the milky coffee and the cream can be done at the time of serving.
Course Coolers, High Tea
Servings 1 person


  • Tall iced tea glass (for serving the dressed coffee)
  • Steel/high grade plastic glass (for beating the coffee)
  • Cake beater (for whipping the cream)


Ingredients for Cold Coffee with Cream

  • 1 sachet instant coffee (Rs. 10 sachet)
  • 1.5 cups whipped cream  (I used Delight non-dairy, soya-based cream)
  • 1 glass chilled milk
  • 4 spoons sugar (2 for the coffee, the rest for the caramelisation)
  • A pinch chocolate shavings (or coloured ball toppings) (use decorative garnish - optional)


Whipping the Cream for Cold Coffee with Cream Recipe

  • Beat some scoops of whipping cream using a cake beater, doing so in circular movements until the cream is nice and stiff. 
    It is fine to store the whipped cream in a container in the refrigerator a day ahead.  Just leave breathing space in the cream jar, should the whipped cream rise with the cooling.

Making the Coffee Caramel for Cold Coffee with Cream Recipe

  • Separately caramelise a couple of spoons of sugar in a pan, adding a hint of water to give it a treacly consistency.
    Take care to not add too much water as the effect would be runny and the liquid carael won't be thick enough to sit on the rim of the serving glass.
  • Then add a pinch of coffee powder to the melted caramel, to use it to smear the rim of the serving glass.
    A dark-rimmed edge would be a prominent contrast to its milky pale contents.

Beating the Coffee the Hard Way for Cold Coffe with Cream Recipe

  • Use a steel (or high grade plastic) glass to beat the coffee powder, 2 spoons of sugar and a few drops of water. 
    Beat robustly for 15 minutes till stiff.  (avoid using a blender as the coffee will miss its frothy edge).
    Let’s call this coffee-sugar-water mix a “coffee stiff”.

How to form the Milky Way for Cold Coffee with Cream Recipe

  • Pour in a chilled glass of milk to this “coffee stiff” and stir lightly.  Let’s call this the “milky way”.  The chilled coffee is now ready!! 

The Presentation of Cold Coffee with Cream

  • Line a tall glass with the caramelised sugar (or coffee caramel), forming caramelised lines on the inner side of the glass.
    You are free to invent your own glass decoration style like I once did by lining the glass with Hershey’s chocolate syrup when there was no time to burn some sugar.
    cold coffee caramelised
  • Leave the glasses to dry, then to chill in the fridge (even overnight, to save time).  I often resort to keeping things ready a day ahead as it gets hectic to manage 5-6 dishes on the main event day.
  • Take out the chilled caramelized glass from the refrigerator, and drop a dollop or two of the whipped cream into it till it rests as a fluffy cushion at the bottom of the glass.  You could do this a day prior even, especially if there are several guests to cater to.
  • Pour the “milky way” over the creamy dollops.  Stir lightly using a longspoon.
  • After you’ve poured it right up to the top of the glass, add some more whipped cream over it
    Use a piping bag to squeeze the whipped cream over it, in creamy upwards strokes to form a pointed creamy tip.
  • Sprinkle a few chocolate shavings and/or coloured balls (toppings) over the cream before inserting a fancy sipping straw – the thicker the better – to allow for a smooth conduit of the cold coffee with whipped cream.


One small sachet of instant coffee = 2 cups of coffee (cold or hot).
Caramelised glass/es with cream in them may be kept ready in the fridge overnight, and served directly at coffee time.
If you can't spare 15 minutes to beat the coffe to a frothy mix, even 5 minutes will do the trick.

An avocado toast sandwich would pair well with Cold Coffee with whipped cream, the lighter the accompanying snack the better.

If your friends don’t go away smacking their lips with your cold coffee with cream, turn arond and give me a smack.


Cold Coffee with cream




About Author

Carmelita is an Economics major and is employed with a private sector bank. She holds a diploma in journalism, but that's not the reason for her creative writing skills exhibited in a few freelancing feature writing assignments with a leading daily and also her blog. Her blog falls under the Top 25 of the Best Mumbai Blogs to Follow, by ranking. She has an eye for offbeat travel, having visited seven continents and seeing more than what meets the average eye. Though not a cook per se, her tips on smart cooking are a thing to reckon in her food and cocktail recipes. As if this is not enough, she dabbles now and then in studio singing assignments which have gained her a sizeable fan following. That she is an avid reader is but natural, with a bent for literary classics which in turn have lent its influence in her blog writing panache.


  1. Maria Ferraz on

    Cold Coffee is quite a popular beverage in Australia. A well-detailed recipe. Will give it a try.

    • Am sure it is; this is perhaps the cheapest coffee @ Rs 10/- per sachet. Milk and sugar aren’t way over the top. You may have it without the cream too.

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